Getting back into a workout routine can be challenging. Maybe you’ve been working out for years and then life got in the way, or maybe a new baby has taken over your days. Whatever the reason for your absence from the gym, I’m sure you want to get back into that groove as quickly as possible. While it’s easy to fall back into old habits and find excuses, not to workout (I won’t have time! I’ll look silly!), there are ways to help make getting active again easier:
Don’t Beat Yourself Up
- If you’re not starting from scratch, that’s great—but don’t get too comfortable. The second you realize you’ve slipped back into your old routine of sitting on the couch and watching Netflix all day is the second that makes it hard to get back into a healthy lifestyle. Instead, be kind to yourself and remind yourself why it’s important for you to work out regularly: maybe it’s because you want to live longer or look good in a bathing suit this summer; maybe it’s because feeling well helps motivate your creativity at work, or maybe it just makes life feel more fun when exercising regularly! Whatever your reasons are, use them as an incentive when things get tough during those first few weeks back at the gym.
Pick a Type of Workout You Love
Finding a workout you love is an important first step in getting back into your workout routine. An enjoyable workout will help motivate you and keep you returning for more. Here are some different types of workouts to consider:
- Aerobics (step classes, running, etc.)
- Yoga/Pilates
- Swimming
- Gymnastics (kids’ gymnastics can be fun!)
When choosing the right type of exercise program for yourself, it’s important to figure out what aspects of exercise are most appealing to you. For example, do you enjoy being active outdoors? Do your muscles like lifting heavy things? Is dance something that lights up your brain in a way other forms of physical activity can’t match? Think about which activities make it feel great—and look for ways to find those same feelings during longer workouts!
Set Realistic Goals and Time Frames
You’ll be more likely to stick with your exercise routine if you set goals and work on them. Set realistic goals that are achievable, measurable and specific. For example, if you want to lose 30 pounds, make sure that goal is time-bound (for example, I will lose 8 pounds in one month). Also, make sure that the goal is realistic and attainable for you—don’t set a weight loss goal if you don’t eat well or have a history of yo-yo dieting.
Invite Friends Along for the Ride
A social support system is one of the most important aspects of getting and staying fit. When you’re working out with friends, not only do you get the benefits of social interaction but also the motivation to keep up with them. Plus, having a workout buddy can help prevent burnout by varying your routine from time to time and pushing each other to go further. If you don’t have a friend who’s into fitness as much as you are, try joining a gym with group classes so that people will be doing similar workouts at the same pace.
Now that you know the four easy steps to getting back into your workout routine, you can start working on getting yourself back into shape. True Yoga Therapy creates a comfortable and judgment-free atmosphere to optimize your mind and body. Contact us today for more information!