5 Signs You May Be Going Through a Rut

It’s normal to go through periods where you feel stuck in a rut. We all need a little self-care from time to time; but if you find yourself exhibiting the following behaviors, then it might be time for some soul searching and re-evaluation.

You’re losing sleep.

If you’ve noticed a decrease in the quality of your sleep, it could be a sign that you’re in a rut. In addition to being uncomfortable and exhausted, lack of sleep can cause:

  • Irritability
  • Stress
  • Forgetfulness (and subsequent stress)
  • Being more prone to accidents

Everything feels harder than it should.

You know that feeling when you’re halfway up a mountain, and it feels like the top is nowhere in sight? You have only 2 miles to go, but all you can think about is how long the journey will take and how steep the climb will be.

This is what it’s like to be stuck in a rut: everything feels harder than it should. You feel like there’s no way out of your current situation, or that even if there was one, it would require too much effort on your part. Your mind may tell you that the situation isn’t worth fighting for; maybe something else will come along soon enough.

You’re suddenly irritable all the time.

Irritability could be a sign of depression, anxiety or any number of other conditions. It could also be a sign that you’re stressed out and need to take time for yourself. In some cases, it might be due to grief after the loss of a loved one, a problematic relationship with a friend, or a boss who is making your job difficult.

If your irritability has been going on for more than two weeks and you don’t seem to have any other symptoms of depression or anxiety, talk with your doctor or therapist about how you are feeling. They’ll help you figure out if there’s an underlying medical problem at play so that they can best treat it and get you back to feeling like yourself again!

You’re constantly fighting with people you care about.

If you find yourself in a constant struggle for control and dominance over the people in your life, it’s a major sign that something is out of whack. This could include feeling stressed about  collaborating on projects with coworkers, being passive-aggressive on social media, or even just feeling like the person you used to be has been replaced by someone else entirely. It’s worth taking a step back and asking yourself what’s going on. You may be going through an existential crisis or having difficulty coping with your emotions or personal relationships (or both). If not addressed properly, these kinds of issues can do serious damage to your relationships with family, friends and even co-workers. No one wants to lose their career because of negative emotions—so don’t wait until it’s too late to get help!

You’ve lost interest in things that used to bring you joy.

Losing interest in things that used to bring you joy is a warning sign of burnout. If you aren’t enjoying anything anymore and are feeling tired, moody or irritable all the time, it might be time for some self-reflection.

You can’t force yourself to enjoy something if your heart isn’t in it—but you shouldn’t let that stop you from doing things that make you happy. For example, if your job has become too stressful or boring, but working out is still something that makes your heart sing and gives you energy at the end of each day, consider finding a way to combine them both by working out at lunchtime or on weekends.

When it comes down to it, finding a balance between work and play is key. You need periods where you’re doing tasks like completing a difficult work project because those kinds of activities stimulate your brain and keep you challenged. You also need periods where you can relax and enjoy yourself without feeling guilty about taking time off.

It’s time to take a look at your life if you find yourself exhibiting these behaviors

You may need help from a doctor, therapist or yoga instructor in order to get out of the rut you’re currently experiencing. It may also be time for some significant changes in your life such as finding new friends or taking up an activity that excites you again.

There are many reasons why you may be feeling stuck in a rut. The key is to find out what’s causing it and take steps to address it. For example, if you’re losing sleep, going through an emotional rough patch or feeling irritable with loved ones, consider talking about those feelings rather than keeping them inside where they can fester and grow into something worse. Take care of yourself and, one day, the joy you used to find in everyday activities will return.

We sincerely hope that this post has given you some fresh ideas for increasing your happiness throughout the day. Your mind and body will function at their best in a welcoming and judgment-free environment created by True Yoga Therapy.

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